Hiking Grand Sahara, Africa's heart


The Hoggar region, a mountain range north of Tamanrasset in southern Algeria. This massif shelters Mount Tahat, culminating point (2918m) of Algeria. The Tassili Hoggar is located about 200km south of Tamanrasset. The tassili is a deeply eroded sandstone plateau with huge sandstone cathedrals invaded by dunes, rocky peaks standing like menhirs or huge mushrooms. Tassili Hoggar is also very rich in engravings, paintings and ancient writings.


Arrive Algiers


Arrive Algiers, transfer to your hotel.take a walking and driving afternoon tour visit the Grand Poste, downtown Algiers, Monument of the Martyrs,. Dinner at your hotel.

Day 1

transfer to Tamanrasset


Depart Algiers by air for TAMANRASSET, Arrival transfer to Tamanrasset town, small city tour visit the old maket, overnight at the hotel.

Day 2

Deep in Sahara Desert


Transfer by 4X4 to Tizelaine about 15 Kms from Tamanrasset. We meet the guid, Beginning the hike in a setting of acacias and wadis bordering the surrounding mountains. Bivouac in the wadi Takecherwet at the foot of the peak of Adoudé.

Day 3

Deep in Sahara Desert


We continue to the small village of Izarnen (visit of the gardens) and we continue towards Wadi Sedouen. The mountain "AkarAkar" overlooks the plateau on which we live.end of the day for the bivouac

Day 4

Deep in Sahara Desert


We go back to Wadi Tintarelel. From there we can finally discover all the massif of Atakor.The camel track winds through an almost lunar landscape, amidst jagged stone fields and volcanic peaks.end of the day for the bivouac

Day 5

Deep in Sahara Desert


We arrive at the crater of Imadouazen for the picnic and we resume our way to bivouac at the foot of so famous Tezouaiag.We finish our hike to the Pass Assekrem in the afternoon. Climb to the Hermitage to discover the chapel of Father de Foucauld and see the sunset on the Atakor and including the peaks of Illaman and Tahat

Day 6

Deep in Sahara Desert


Sunrise on the Tezouiag for the bravest and we take the vehicles in the late morning. Stop at the small village of Tanget and bivouac in the wadi. We continue our route south towards the Tassili Hoggar through Indalag

Day 7

Deep in Sahara Desert


Head south towards the Tassili Hoggar through the wadi Indalag to find us at the end of the day for the bivouac at the foot of the dunes that dominate Tin Tarabine.

Day 8

Deep in Sahara Desert


Discover the neolithic frescoes around Youf A Haket in the morning then we take the car to go to Tahaggart through the wadi of TinTarabine near the famous slab, former meeting point for salt caravans. Stroll through the pitons and sand dunes of Tahaggart in the afternoon.Crossing by 4X4 of the plain of Agbataye while going towards the south west; for kilometers without any relief except for some dunes, we go to Taguelmamt Semidet for lunch. After noon in the dunes before sunset. Bivouacin the dunes.

Day 9

Deep in Sahara Desert


Short transfer to Tagrera; in this rough sea of blond sand, rocks like vessels, mushrooms or even men emerge. It's up to you to dream ... Bivouac in the small dunes.

Day 10

Deep in Sahara Desert


Day at In Akachaker; caves, secret passages, rocks shaped by the wind and the sand but also some well hidden paintings and engravings that tell us the Sahara before the desertification. At the end of the day, transfer to El Ghessour for the bivouac.

Day 11

Deep in Sahara Desert


El Ghessour; discovery of the cave, paintings of dancers in the Giacometti, a little acrobatic course to find the water in the rift, guessing game in the carved rocks in search of Commander Cousteau.

Day 12

return to Tamanrasset


Return on Tamanrasset during the day by wadis El Ghargargh and Zazer; Arrival late afternoon, Return flight to Algiers and transfer to hotel for Free time shopping. Or your driver will take you to the airport this ending your Algeria tour.

Day 13