About Us

Algeria Journey is an  Algerian travel company and tour operator whose head office is based in Biskra province, Runs Adventure, cultural, historical and archaeological tours the length and breadth of Algeria -  from Mediterranean coast in north to the sand dunes of the Sahara in deep south.

Our Ambition Sharing The Beauty and Charm of Algeria

Algeria Journey also offers a range of corporate services for national and international companies, including; technical and administrative assistance, business breaks, incentives, conference hosting and cruise reception across Algeria.

We are Exclusively work in Algeria territory an Algerian Inbound Tours Operator


Our staff has a wide range of nationalities - English, French and Algerian - and we speak a variery of languages, including English, French, Arabic, Italian, Russian - and Berber!


Our multi-cultural staff - both men and women - has worked all over the world - not just in Algeria but also in England, France, Spain, Italy, the United States and beyond.


We employ only the best tour guides, archaeologists and local drivers, as we realise that they make or break a tour. For larger groups, we like to send along a tour manager, just to make sure things run smoothly. It also helps to know that there is a 100 % English speaker on the end of a phone to try and sort things out!


We're aware that Algeria is not always the easiest country to operate in. As we're used to working with Europeans, North Americans and multinational, we realise that we have to go those extra lengths to ensure everything runs smoothly. We try to be better than our competitors by being more reliable than them.